
Some Personal Lamentations

I'm in general not much of a downer. It has been said that I do not actually have feelings and am in fact a malfunctioning robot sent back from the future, because in the future that is what we do with our trash. (This explains a lot of things and a lot of people, more to come on this... maybe.) Be this truthful or not, I am occasionally struck with emotions, or illusions thereof. Today was a particularly emotional day. I will share so that we all may experience catharsis.

1. In my aimless wandering through the wilderweb (I've been using this word for years, but apparently it hasn't caught on. It's a mixture of "wilderness and web", look for it on Urban Dictionary in the future.), I came upon this. People who get gifts that they don't like smile, thank the giver, and then walk into the next room to put it on eBay. There are clothes, toys, DVD and CD sets, lovely jewelry and a whole lot of baby stuff. It's the modern version of the island of misfit toys, and as I looked at it and the song started to drift into my head, I started to tear up right in the middle of the English class I wasn't paying attention to.
   Each of those items were picked out with care, with one person in mind. They'll never belong to that person now, and they just sit alone, with no bidders whatsoever. Maybe I'm overreacting. But the whole thing makes me cry when I think about it.

2. Last week, I had a follower. I'm looking at you, M. One glorious, glorious follower. He was probably only there in hopes that I would write some more about Vincent Gallo, but for me it was a special bond. Every time I posted I knew he was there for me, sitting in the front row. M dumped me upon figuring out  that there will probably never be another Vincent Gallo post. I am saddened. M!!!!!!!
     I admit. At first I was afraid. Petrified. I thought I could never live without you by my digital side. But I grew strong. I learned how to get along. I'm seeing other bloggers now. Much better bloggers, by the looks of yours, M. Consider the gauntlet thrown.

3.  I lost my soulmate, my lifeblood, my iPod. Perhaps this is the gods of consumerism exacting their revenge upon me for making a mockery of their deity. Perhaps I stupidly left it unattended in a public space. Perhaps it's buried underneath a large quantity of illegally trafficked ivory.
It hurts.

1 comment:

  1. Isle of Marsonga.

    I'm here for you, Vincent Gallo or not.

