
BookByte Bites: Things Get Serious

To customerservice@bookbyte.com:

I sent you Buen Viaje! Glencoe Spanish 3, by Schmitt, 2nd Edition, Grades 9-12 by Schmitt, Conrad J./ Woodford, Protase E. for which you promised $24.50. I see now that you have taken my book and decided, without contacting me, to pay me nothing. I assume that you will now be using that book nonetheless, having obtained it for free, and there is no way for me to get it back. From online research I have found you do this sort of thing often and the unsuspecting sellers are powerless. Have you any plans to honor your end of our little agreement or do you really plan on stealing my book, which, even were it of minimal academic value would have worth as kindling? Some day, when "The Day After Tomorrow" happens, and I can count the hours of my life by the books on my bookshelf, that's going to be on you. In the hopefully nearer future, I'll be siccing the BBB on your ass.
May I please have my book back?


Email Status: Responded
The Response

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