
In Which I Speak More Clearly To Burger King

(Response to Burger King Replies)
Burger King Corporation
5505 Blue Lagoon Drive

Miami, Florida 33126

To the Consumer Relations Office,

This is my second letter. In my previous letter to your department, I fear the point of the message may have been lost in the highly descriptive story I provided. Though the original letter was a masterwork of nonfiction, I see from the form letter you sent me in reply that you did not quite understand that the question I asked was not rhetorical.
 Therefore, I will repeat my question and make it clear that what I am looking for is an answer to the best of your abilities.
            In one of your locations in New Haven, I have observed a monitor that digitally displays a letter, and over time changes that letter. In one memorable example, I watched the monitor change from “B” to “C”. I would like to know, please, the purpose of such a monitor and why I haven’t seen one at any other locations.
            Please take the time to look into this or at least to tell me that you don’t know what the monitor is.

Thank you,

Letter Status: No Response

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